Because every experience with active addiction is different, it makes sense that no two programs of recovery will be identical. Rehab is far from a one-size-fits-all solution. Individualization is a crucial component of every effective addiction treatment program.

What does it mean when addiction treatment is “individualized?”

Some state-funded detox facilities and hospital-based drug rehab programs treat every patient with the same impersonal set of practices — they medicate symptoms, offer suggestions for long-term care, and release the patient as soon as withdrawal symptoms have subsided. Privately owned detox centers like Princeton Detox & Recovery Center focus on the unique needs of each individual client, developing personalized plans for care that cater exclusively to their clinical requirements and distinct treatment goals.

Upon admission to the program, each client undergoes a detailed evalution which covers personal history, family history, history with substance use, the presence of any co-occurring issues, behavioral patterns, current environment, and psychosocial background. A unique plan of action is developed based on this evaluation, and it is regularly adjusted as new developments are made.

Individual Treatment Plans

Not every therapeutic method is going to be equally as effective for every client. Having access to a variety of treatment options means if one therapy or modality isn’t working, gears can be switched and alternative routes can be easily explored. Individualized treatment plans are created at the beginning of the journey, but they are consistently adjusted based on progress, personal preference, and the effectiveness of various evidence-based therapies.

Personal treatment goals also play an important role in the development of individualized plans. What do you hope to accomplish while you are engaged in treatment? What areas of your life are you committed to changing? What parts of your life would you like to stay the same? The bulk of this work is done in a one-on-one therapy setting, where clients are able to work directly with their assigned therapist.

The Importance of Individual Evaluations

At Princeton Detox & Recovery Center we conduct in-depth clinical and medical evaluations before each individual client enters our medical detox program. Conducting an extensive assessment helps our clinical and medical team determine which treatment methods are going to be the most effective for each unique case. The process allows us the opportunity to thoroughly understand a client’s specific needs and design an individualized treatment plan that takes their addiction, mental health and any underlying medical concerns into consideration.

Our assessment process consists of three distinct evaluations: medical, psychosocial and psychological. Clients begin the assessment period almost immediately upon arriving at Princeton Detox & Recovery Center, meeting with a physician and primary counselor within 24 hours of their arrival. They are asked a series of pertinent questions before they are shown to their private bedrooms, where they are able to relax before participating in therapy sessions, group workshops, 12 Step meetings or any of the other addiction treatment services we provide.

We look forward to speaking with you soon and answering any additional questions you may have concerning the importance of individualized care. Speak with one of our Treatments Advisors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1-877-508-2278.

Ready To Begin Your Detox?

We Offer A Safe & Effective Program

Don’t let addiction control your life.
Call us today and let’s get you started on the path to a better you.

(888) 693-1769