Behavioral therapy is an important component of addiction recovery. Addiction is a multi-faceted condition, one which simultaneously affects physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. If you have been struggling with an addictive disorder for any length of time, you have likely noticed that your overall quality of life has been severely compromised.

In order to make a full recovery, it is important that you address all implications of addiction. This means restoring physical strength while learning to process emotions in a healthy way and adequately addressing underlying mental health concerns. Behavioral therapy plays a fundamental role in the restoration of emotional and mental health and well-being.

What is Behavioral Therapy?

What exactly is behavioral therapy in the context of addiction treatment? Behavioral therapy is an umbrella term for a variety of therapies geared towards the treatment of numerous mental health conditions — including substance use disorders. The primary goal of behavioral therapies is to help individuals change self-destructive or unhelpful behaviors, thereby changing the way they think, feel, and interact with the world around them.

Behavioral therapy is an important component of every stage of the addiction treatment process, from medical detox through inpatient rehab. Many people make the decision to continue with individual therapy once treatment concludes.

Types of Behavioral Therapy Employed in a Treatment Setting

The types of behavioral therapy most commonly employed in a traditional addiction treatment setting are Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT).

Additional types of behavioral therapy commonly employed in a treatment setting include:

Read more about CBT and DBT.

Individual, Group, and Family Therapy

Behavioral therapy is delivered in an individual setting, a group setting, and in a setting that involves willing members of your immediate family. During individual therapy you will work one-on-one with a licensed therapist, delving deeper into the root causes of your addictive disorder and developing healthy coping strategies. Individual therapy allows you time to explore experiences and concerns you might not feel comfortable opening up about in a group setting.

Group therapy is facilitated by a licensed therapist or holistic practitioner, and serves as a foundational component of inpatient treatment. Group therapy sessions cover a wide range of recovery-related topics, and allow a safe setting for peer support and encouragement. Family therapy allows your loved ones the opportunity to heal alongside you as they learn how to better support you on the road ahead.

Contact us directly for more information on the role of behavioral therapy in the context of addiction treatment, or to begin your personal journey of recovery. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Our attention to individualized care and therapy programs can be the difference between a lifetime of challenges or a full recovery. Take the first step toward a better, more fulfilling future. Speak with one of our Treatments Advisors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1-877-508-2278.

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