If you have been living under the same roof as someone who has been battling addiction, you have likely experienced a sweeping spectrum of emotions, from frustration and anger to hopelessness and defeat.

When a person enters treatment for addiction, they will not be the only one who requires help. Addiction deeply impacts families, too, and in order to thoroughly heal they must confront the negative effects the addiction has had on their lives. At Princeton Detox & Recovery Center, we provide family members and loved ones with the support and guidance they need to heal and prepare for the road ahead.

The Importance of Family Therapy

Family therapy programs are designed to give the family a deeper understanding of the Disease Model of Addiction and the challenges their loved one will experience while navigating early sobriety. Family therapy sessions provide an environment where families can speak candidly without feeling embarrassed, resentful or guilty.

A licensed family therapist will provide guidance to:

  • Understand the Disease Model of Addiction.

  • Improve communication skills.

  • Discuss difficult topics without aggression or defensiveness.

  • Improve relationships.

  • Resolve conflict within the family unit.

  • Learn coping skills and strategies.

  • Avoid enabling behaviors.

  • Set and maintain healthy boundaries.

  • Provide support.

The therapist will focus on the family’s strengths to incite positive changes to the family dynamic. Positive change tends to lead to more positive change, which benefits everyone participating.

Addiction damages family ties, so the therapist will work with the client and their loved ones to confront the problems in their relationships while helping them rebuild trust and improve communication. We provide a safe space where families can immediately get to work to resolve deep-seated, sensitive, underlying issues.

We also take time to educate families on the risks of enabling, codependency and other unhealthy patterns. Oftentimes, these behaviors are what lead to addiction in the first place, and they can increase the risk of relapse.

Family Workshops and Additional Support

Family Workshops are often available during the next stage of the recovery process — inpatient addiction treatment. The availability of this service depends on the treatment center you choose once detox has concluded. The Workshop takes place over the course of three full days, and focuses on understanding the existing family dynamic, breaking down and understanding the role of each individual family member, and ultimately restructuring the family dynamic into something healthy, functional and beneficial for all involved.

To learn more about the resources and services available to the family members of our clients, reach out to us directly. We look forward to speaking with you and answering any additional questions you may have. Speak with one of our Treatments Advisors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 1-877-508-2278.

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Don’t let addiction control your life.
Call us today and let’s get you started on the path to a better you.

(888) 693-1769